Thanks for following along with us as we worked.
Dr. Warner and I had so much fun communicating with all of you and answering your questions as we worked. We are now back home and in need of some much deserved rest. We worked extremely hard and slept very little! However, we love what we do and feel like we really did some great experiments that will give us tons of good data to evaluate our hypothesis and write conclusions to share with the scientific community.
I will continue to answer your questions and post on the blog as long as you guys are still following. This weekend I will get caught up and answer the most popular questions. If you email me a question directly at I will make sure that I answer it. Also look for a slide show with 20-30 pictures of lizards, other animals and our work sites. I will have it all posted by Monday so you won't be bored while you are on spring break. Check back with Wide World Science soon.
Thanks again. Your posts and questions were great. You are the best.